An accreditation system is a software package that vets and manages the rights for media, broadcasters, VIPs and other non-public attendees to access stadiums or venues during events.
The system workflow streamlines a traceable and secure workflow from the original application request for accreditation to be considered, through to the allocation of photo ID badges to attend an actual match or fixture.
Learn more about OppAccred
Liverpool. Manchester United. Harlequins. Wasps.
Since 2009, all media and broadcast visitors, including their subcontractors and freelancers, for Premier League, English Football League and Premiership Rugby matches have been managed through OppAccred.
It’s the best accreditation system for the best leagues in the world.
Manage the entire accreditation application in one online place.
Store press cuttings, insurance details and any evidence required.
Create credit card or mobile app passes for seasons or tournaments.
Accept or reject access for specific roles to one or many areas within venues.
Print clear colour and number-coded security badges for lanyards.
See who actually attended compared to who was initially accepted.