This support article is intended to guide you on how to modify an existing fixture.
1. Access the SFL Accred website.
2. Select Access Club Management from the side menu on the left.
3. Click on Your Username which is a dropdown and click on Administration.
4. Select Match Administration
5. Select the fixture you need to rearrange and click on Edit to make the changes.
6. Modify the information you need to change on the right hand side.
Note the only status which allows Organisations to book on the match is Available
7. Once you have made a change the Request Options dropdown will appear. Here you can select if you would like to:
Delete Requests: Organisations will need to rebook, no notification email of the change will be sent
Delete and Email: Organisations will need to rebook, however, a notification email of the change will be sent
Keep Requests: Organisations will not need to rebook, no notification email of the change will be sent
Keep Requests and Email: Organisations will not need to rebook, however, a notification email of the change will be sent)
8. Click Save to save your changes and process the Requests.
That’s it! You have now rearranged one of your existing fixture.